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Market Research

Primary Market Research requires the presenter collect data that will provide a better insight to the matter which may be unclear. Two main methods of primary market search polling are:

  • Surveys
  • Focus Groups

Focus group research are often conducted in a small groups of people (usually of 10 at minimum) to solicit views and opinions to a particular product, issue or campaign. Marketers employ focus group discussions to know the trend of the market as well as the opinions of the public towards a particular product.
A focus group is being handled by a moderator, who directs the course of the discussion in order to gain useful insights as well as relevant information to the topic at hand. However, survey apps and clickers from ShoutPoll can make conducting a focus group much easier.

Below are the Five Benefits moderators can get from using a market research tool in conducting market research and focus groups:

A time saver -using a survey app will save everyone time.

Traditional pen and paper survey, the moderator and his team have to prepare the materials like photocopy all the questionnaires, buy pencils or pens, and set up the place where the survey will be conducted. While using a survey app or clicker the only task that you will have to encounter is setting up the location. The participants will also save time as they no longer have to go through the tedious task of writing their answers. Participants can just tap their answers on close ended question and type for the open ended ones.


Interactive - keep everyone engaged.

The good thing about market research survey apps and clickers is moderators are allowed to customize the questions in a way it can be interactive to participants. Moderators can make their questions fun and engaging that will drive away the boredom of the participants and will allow them to give answers and information that are valuable to your marketing research.


Convenient - no need to decipher handwriting.

There is no doubt that using a survey app or clicker is indeed far more convenient than pen and paper type of survey. A lot of people are currently using digital technologies like computers and tablets most of the time since it is easy to tap answers than writing it. On the other hand, moderators and their team will be saved from reading and understanding the handwriting of the participants.


Quick tabulation of results- review Results instantly.

Another advantage of using a survey app or clicker from ShoutPoll in conducting focus groups is the quick tabulation of results. Focus groups involve a number of participants and tabulating the results of the survey can be long and tedious. However, with the aid of a reliable survey app and clicker, moderators get instant results as all of the answers keyed in by the participants are sent to the main server where the results are pooled in and tabulated.


Faster and more detailed reports.

In line with the fast tabulation of results, survey apps and clickers from ShoutPoll also treat moderators with more detailed reports that are generated immediately after the results are all-in. This is a major advantage to the moderators to be able to see the trend of the market in no time and have a great marketing polling experience.